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method ECDH.convertKey
Jump to headingECDH.convertKey(
curve: string,
inputEncoding?: BinaryToTextEncoding,
| "hex"
| "base64"
| "base64url"
| "compressed"
| "hybrid"
): Buffer | string

Converts the EC Diffie-Hellman public key specified by key and curve to the format specified by format. The format argument specifies point encoding and can be 'compressed', 'uncompressed' or 'hybrid'. The supplied key is interpreted using the specified inputEncoding, and the returned key is encoded using the specified outputEncoding.

Use getCurves to obtain a list of available curve names. On recent OpenSSL releases, openssl ecparam -list_curves will also display the name and description of each available elliptic curve.

If format is not specified the point will be returned in 'uncompressed' format.

If the inputEncoding is not provided, key is expected to be a Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView.

Example (uncompressing a key):

const {
} = await import('node:crypto');

const ecdh = createECDH('secp256k1');

const compressedKey = ecdh.getPublicKey('hex', 'compressed');

const uncompressedKey = ECDH.convertKey(compressedKey,

// The converted key and the uncompressed public key should be the same
console.log(uncompressedKey === ecdh.getPublicKey('hex'));

Parameters Jump to heading

Jump to headingcurve: string

The encoding of the key string.

Jump to headingoutputEncoding:
| "hex"
| "base64"
| "base64url"

The encoding of the return value.

Jump to headingformat:
| "compressed"
| "hybrid"
= 'uncompressed'

Return Type Jump to heading

Buffer | string
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